Cosmetic surgery after pregnancy is one of the cases that has found many volunteers among women today. Women who plan to have cosmetic surgery after pregnancy and childbirth usually have a lot of questions about this surgical procedure.
What are the different surgical options to achieve the ideal body after pregnancy?!
After about 6 months to 1 year after pregnancy, depending on the condition of each person to perform one or more surgeries, including lipomatic surgery, abdominoplasty, breast lift, breast lift and breast implant, depending on the plastic surgeon, it can be done simultaneously.
Dr. Mohsen Fadaei, a specialist in plastic and cosmetic surgery, has carefully answered some of the main questions that are often asked by Mommy Makeover surgery clients.
What is the meaning of cosmetic surgery after pregnancy (Mommy Makeover)?
Mommy Makeover is a surgical procedure that involves a combination of several surgical procedures on the breast and abdomen.
Abdominal contouring techniques that may be used include lipomatic as well as abdominoplasty and are often used to correct changes after pregnancy and childbirth.
When abdominal contouring surgery is combined with breast surgery (such as a breast lift, breast reduction, or breast augmentation with breast implant), this combination is often referred to as mommy makeover.
Given that Mommy Makeover involves a combination of two or more surgeries, the key to success is to seek the opinion of a fully qualified plastic surgeon who can guide you in the most appropriate way.
Abdominal surgery in the mommy makeover combination surgery may include lipomatic, mini-tummy tuck (mini-abdominoplasty), full tummy tuck or expanded tummy tuck to remove excess skin, loose muscle, and disproportionate fat deposition.
A combination of any of these abdominal surgeries with breast surgery can be done by reducing the breast, lifting the breast, or increasing the size of the breast by breast implant.
Because each patient’s condition is different, it is important that the patient be evaluated by a qualified plastic surgeon that can perform a unique treatment program at a fully qualified surgical center.
Why most plastic surgeons do not operate on someone with a high BMI?
Because high BMI is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2diabetes, breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, liver disease, gallstones, and breathing problems like sleep apnea.
For cosmetic surgery, the gases used by the anesthesiologist are absorbed by fat cells. larger fat cells, will absorbed more gas. Because of this, it takes longer time for the gas to leave the body after surgery. The patient wake up more slowly after surgery. This increases the risk of breathing problems for a longer period of time after surgery. Difficulty breathing increases the risk of pneumonia and lowers your oxygen level. Your tissues need the right level of oxygen to heal.
A person with a high BMI has a higher risk of complications from surgery than a person with a normal BMI. Published studies show a significant increase in the risk of wound healing, infection, and fluid retention problems (“seroma”) in people with a high BMI. These types of problems cause anxiety and pain and may require additional surgery. Along with the additional risks, there are additional costs for the patient.
If your BMI is above 30, it does not mean that you cannot have cosmetic surgery. You may still be a good candidate for mommy makeover surgery. However, if you also have diabetes, high blood pressure and heart problems, the risks can be very high. BMI is one of the tools used to measure health.
What is the recovery time and for cosmetic surgery after pregnancy (Mommy Makeover)?
Recovery time is different for each patient.
For example, mini-tummy tuck surgery (mini-abdominoplasty) usually requires 1 or 2 nights in the hospital and 1 to 2 weeks of recovery. While in full abdominoplasty surgery, it takes about 4 or 5 days to stay in the hospital and then 3 to 4 weeks of recover.
Likewise, breast surgery requires a long recovery period. It makes sense to consider a 1 week recovery for breast lift and breast implant surgery and a 2-week recovery to reduce breast size.
What are the benefits of combining surgical procedures in Mommy makeover (Cosmetic surgery after pregnancy) ?
A combination of several surgical methods is possible according to the patient’s health status and the decision of the plastic surgeon. The decision in this case will be based on the patient’s health status, age and the correct choice of surgeon.
Patients usually choose this option because it is more cost-effective, involving only one hospital visit, one anesthesia, and one recovery period.