Now neanderthal forehead surgery is done through open lift surgery. Because the sinus wall of the forehead must be deformed, the shape of the forehead can’t be corrected by endoscopic lift.
Are you unsatisfied by the shape of your forehead or the appearance of your brow bones?
Dr. Fadaee, is a Plastic surgeon in iran can help you!
The forehead is a major part of the face and occupies up to one-third of its total surface area. The top of the forehead and position of the frontal hairline, differs greatly between males and females. The bottom of the forehead is outlined by the eyebrows and the brow bones which are the ridges of skull bone just above the eyes.
The shape of the bony forehead (amount of convexity) and the prominence of the brow ridges help differ the masculine or feminine appearance. A long forehead is more acceptable in a male because of the variability of the frontal hairline.
The bone ridge running across the forehead above the eyes, known as brow bossing (supraorbital rims), is more pronounced in males. The degree of acceptable brow protrusion is not well-defined and can certainly become excessive, thereby causing an over-masculine or Neanderthal appearance.
Male brow protrusion should be enough to create a noticeable break between the brow ridge and the forehead bone above it. It may also extend off to the side, tapering down onto the lateralorbital rims.
Females have almost no discernible brow bossing because their foreheads are more rounded with a fairly flat front.
Some brow bossing may be aesthetically acceptable when there is no break between the brow ridge and vertical forehead bone above it; it should flow smoothly without a noticeable transition.
What are the treatment options for neanderthal forehead?
There’s no treatment to reverse frontal bossing. Management focuses on treating the underlying condition or at least lessening the symptoms. Frontal bossing doesn’t usually improve with age. However, it doesn’t worsen in most cases.
Cosmetic surgery can be helpful in treating many facial deformities.
What causes neanderthal forehead?
Frontal bossing can be due to certain conditions that affect your child’s growth hormones. It may be seen also in some types of severe anemia that cause increased, but ineffective, production of red blood cells by the bone marrow.
One common underlying cause is acromegaly. This is a chronic disorder that leads to an overproduction of growth hormone. Hands, feet, jaws, skull bones of the body are larger than normal for people with acromegaly.
Other potential causes of frontal bossing or Neanderthal Forehead include:
- Use of the antiseizure drug trimethadione during pregnancy
- Basal cell nevus syndrome
- congenital syphilis
- cleidocranial dysostosis
- Russell-Silver syndrome
- Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome
- Pfeiffer syndrome
- Hurler syndrome
- Crouzon syndrome
- rickets
- abnormal growths in the forehead or skull
- certain types of anemia, such as thalassemia major (beta-thalassemia)
- Abnormalities in an infant’s PEX1, PEX13, and PEX26 genes can also cause frontal bossing.
Forehead contouring surgery takes about 2-3 hours and is performed under general anesthesia. The method of surgery varies according to the patient’s condition and the cause of surgery (reduction of forehead protrusions, correction of forehead curvature and correction of forehead bone indentation, etc.). In general, to reach the skull bone above the eyebrows, an incision is made on or behind the hairline, and depending on the anatomy and condition of the patient, either the skull bone is shaved or an implant is used.
This surgery can be combined with other plastic surgeries to achieve the best cosmetic results.
Who is a good candidate for a forehead surgery?
– Uneven forehead: having a forehead with an uneven surface or neanderthal forehead.
– Flat forehead or concave forehead: forehead has no natural convexity or even has a depression, giving it a hollow appearance.
– Receding forehead: forehead recedes sharply backwards starting from the brow up to the hairline.
– Protruding brows: The forehead near the eyebrows has excessive bone protrusion, which makes the forehead very angular in nature.