۱۰ foods to use after abdominoplasty surgery
Specialists believe that patients who need surgery should be nutritionally studied and cared for, since it has been proven that people who are well-nourished after surgery will recover sooner and suffer less complications such as malnutrition.
Follow a healthy diet with the following guidelines to get the nutrients you need on a daily basis.
so let’s find out how to eat after abdominal surgery.
Carbohydrates are very effective in faster healing. Because it strengthens the muscles. Prevents them from being analyzed. Fiber rich carbohydrates such as fruits, grains, vegetables and beans prevent constipation after surgery and can prevent side effects of painkillers.
Protein plays a key role in healing wounds and repairing body tissues. Therefore, consumption of protein rich foods such as eggs, low fat dairy, fish, lean ear and soy products is very effective in recovery after abdominal cosmetic surgery
Vitamin K and E
Vitamin E protects the body against free radicals. Eggs, nuts, milk and liver are rich sources of vitamin E. Vitamin K is found in dark green vegetables, liver and fish and is effective in the blood clotting process.
Fresh fruits and vegetables
Fresh vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, cabbage, tomatoes are very effective in healing, but if suffer from heartburn after consumption, eat less or use cooked or compote fruits.
The fruit contains a brome lain enzyme that helps reduce inflammation. This enzyme and protease are also effective in better digestion of proteins
Whole grains rich sources of fiber
Whole grains are a source of minerals and vitamins that are very effective in healing faster after abdominal cosmetic surgery.
Drink enough water
Drinking water is important for the elimination of toxins after surgery. Drinking water to lose weight will make you feel hungry and keep your body energized. Water consumption can also help reduce swelling after abdominal cosmetic surgery.
Vitamins A and C
Use of Vitamin A to heal wounds and use of Vitamin C to collagen and heal wounds is very effective.
Healthy fats
Discharge of accumulated abdominal fat with an abdominal operation does not mean that you should completely avoid fat. Eating healthy fats such as olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds are good sources and can help the body well.
Eating nuts and seeds, especially pumpkin seeds and sesame, is very effective in healing wounds after abdominal cosmetic surgery.