The cheeks and prominent cheeks show beauty and charm. Prominent bones improve facial features and create a youthful appearance. If you are unhappy with your sunken or flat cheeks or your face has shrunk due to aging, prosthetics or cheek implants are the best solution to this problem and will give you vitality, youth and increased self-confidence. Some people do not have prominent cheekbones, and others may have prominent cheekbones, but over time these cheeks fall or sink. Cosmetologists use four methods for cheekbones, such as filler injections, fat injections, prosthetics, and cheekbones. In this section, we fully explain the types of sorting methods of cheek augmentation.
Cheek augmentation with fat graft
For fat injection, the ideal candidate is someone who has a good source of fat cells and can easily and safely extract and inject these fats. In addition, people suitable for liposuction should not be too thin or have disorders of fat metabolism, blood clotting, severe chronic diseases or acute infections.
benefits of fat injection for cheek augmentation
- Natural result;
- No scars
- Performed under local anesthesia.
- Using this method has no side effects and is more durable.
- Fat injection is a less expensive and longer lasting method.
Cheek augmentation with filler injection
Good candidates for gel and filler sorts are those who are looking for the same result they may get with fat injections but prefer a less invasive method. You should also be aware of the possibility of a shorter durability than other options. This method is not recommended for patients who are pregnant, breastfeeding or have a sinus infection.
The best type of gel has a hyaluronic acid base, but a gel with a hyaluronic acid base has a high cost and its durability is 8 months to 2 years. People who want to inject gels must have these gels approved by the Ministry of Health. Cheek gel injections for repair and correction are usually repeated every 12-18 months. Some patients follow up early and inject a small amount of gel at each visit to avoid reducing the initial results.
Benefits of cheek augmentation with filler injection
It eliminates wrinkles and sagging skin around the eyes, mouth and cheeks.
- This method is faster and easier than other methods
Cheek implant
Cheek implant is another type of implantation procedure in which the prosthesis, which is often made of silicone, is placed with small incisions in the mouth or under the eyelid in the cheek area, and sutures are used to close the incision. After about 10 days, the sutures are removed or the sutures are absorbed into the mouth over a period of time.
The best options for cheek implants are those who are looking for a permanent solution to highlight their face. Also, their skin should not be too thin and uneven to make implants look more natural.
Benefits of cheek implant
- Maximum highlighting
- Natural and permanent result
Types of cheek prostheses
Cheek implant surgery takes 30 minutes to an hour and is performed under general anesthesia. If you choose this method, you do not have to worry about scars. The implant is done in three ways:
Cheek: These prostheses create more protrusions and are inserted directly into the cheekbone. In this method of medical surgery, the bone area of the patient’s cheek is highlighted and looks fuller.
Subtypes: These prostheses will create fuller cheeks and eliminate sagging or thinning cheeks. In this method, the cheek prosthesis is designed to create maximum prominence in the recessed parts of the cheek near the nose and under the eyes.
Combination: A combined prosthesis improves the condition of the cheekbones and cheeks. In this method, all the middle part of the face is highlighted by implanting side prostheses and sub-cheek prostheses.
In this surgery, general anesthesia is used or local anesthetics are injected to anesthetize the treated area. A small incision is made in the mouth just where the prosthesis is to be placed. The muscles and soft tissue of the cheek are pulled aside so that the prosthesis is placed directly on the bone. Oral absorption sutures can be used for this operation.
In fat injections, people can have a full recovery after five to ten days. This general time frame for eliminating swelling and bruising may vary from patient to patient. Patients can resume their normal daily activities after 48 hours, but these activities should be light.
In gel and filler injections, patients can in most cases have a full recovery between seven and ten days after surgery, although the duration of complete recovery depends on the type of filler used and the type of skin and other factors associated with the patient.
Recovery after species implantation is more lengthy than previous methods. Symptoms such as bruising and swelling that appear in the first 72 hours after surgery may be obvious, but after these three days, the side effects should be significantly reduced.
The cost of cheek prosthesis surgery includes the cost of anesthesia, the cost of operating room facilities, the type of prosthesis used, the geographical location, and other resources required.
cheek augmentation samples by Dr.Fadaee