Temple & Brow Lift / Brow Lift / Temple Lift / Forehead Lift
Stress, sun exposure, genetic factors or aging are some of the things that can cause loose skin on the upper face, around the forehead and eyes in both men and women. To solve this problem, lift surgeries or non-surgical treatments are often performed. Dr. Mohsen Fadaei, a specialist in plastic and cosmetic surgery, using his years of experience and knowledge in the field of facial cosmetic surgery, has helped many of his patients to look younger than their face with the brow lift method.
If you have a drooping forehead or your brows are too low and too close to the eyes, you may be a candidate for an brow lift. If you have deep frown lines between your brows, you may want to lift your brows and forehead.
Forehead lift is usually performed under general anesthesia. Endoscopic brow lift, mini brow lift, endotine brow lift are among the most common methods in lift surgery.
The endoscopic brow lift is performed using small incisions in the hairline and the wound heals very quickly. This method is one of the least invasive brow lift procedures, where the surgeon makes a number of tiny incisions within the natural hairline. The surgeon then uses a special camera and instruments to adjust the underlying muscles and tissue, while also removing small amounts of excess skin, to achieve a more youthful forehead appearance.
Mini brow lift surgery requires a shorter incision and the brow area will change slightly in height and height.
Endotine gives surgeons the ability to adjust the position of your skin and forehead through very small incisions behind the hairline, and lift brows naturally.
An open brow lift is performed in some cases and the incision is made across the top of the scalp from the top of one ear to the other. Sometimes the incision will be made at the front of the hairline so as not to disturb the position of the hair. Excess skin is pulled up and removed and then either stapled or sutured to affix the skin and underlying tissue to its new position.
With age, facial skin, especially brows and forehead, show signs of aging and lead to loss of skin elasticity. Loss of skin elasticity causes wrinkles, which some may call “frown lines” and “crow’s feet”.
These lines and wrinkles, cause the face to appear even older than it may truly be, with heavy brows and sagging skin. A brow lift is the cosmetic procedure many people choose to reduce forehead wrinkles, raise the skin over the brows, and shift the underlying muscles and tissues below the skin to regain structure and provide a more youthful aesthetic.
Benefits of brow Lift – Forehead Lift:
Brow and forehead lift offer a variety of benefits, including:
- Recover youth and eliminate sagging skin
- Reduce wrinkles and frown lines, which cause sadness or worry on the face
- increasing the self confidence
Difference Between Temple Lift & Brow Lift:
Brow lift is a method used to correct forehead wrinkles, frown lines and drooping brows.
In comparison, a temple lift is a minimally invasive procedure that lifts only the outer corner or tail of the brow, which is on the side of the forehead. This effect also lifts the cheek tissues and helps to eliminate sagging in the corner of the eye.
The temple or brow lift, performed by Dr. Mohsen Fadaei, a plastic and cosmetic surgeon, can remove forehead lines and sagging middle part of the face. In general, Dr. Fadaei can give you a face that looks younger and calmer, using an brow or tempo lift, calm and fresh.
Depending on your facial features, brow lift can give your eyes a more open and youthful look without “looking like you’ve done your job.” Makes it more beautiful and gives the brows beautiful and young look.
The temporal or temporal lift is through an incision made above the ear. In a temple lift, usually only the skin and lateral muscles of the eye, ie the skin and muscles on both sides of the forehead in the temple are tightened. Dr. Fadaei, a specialist in plastic surgery, uses a temple lift to relieve heaviness and sagging in the middle of the face, including the cheeks. Dr. Fadaei also corrects drooping brows and lines around your eyes, especially on the outside.
Non-surgical treatment procedure :
There are many ways to improve the appearance of the forehead and brows. However, brow lift is the best and most effective solution. If you are looking for an alternative and less aggressive method, these can be solutions for you.
Botox: An injection of a neurotoxin temporarily paralyzes the forehead muscles, causing a smoother appearance to the skin. Done properly, this can last for up to 3-4 months but must be repeated to maintain the results.
Dermal Fillers: Synthetic or natural products are injected beneath the skin, inducing the production of collagen in the facial region. This causes a fuller, firmer, and softer look for the skin.
Eyelid surgery: Using blepharoplasty surgery, Dr. Fadaei can remove the extra skin that causes drooping eyelids and restore youth and freshness to the face.
When you choose to have a brow lift, your doctor may suggest one of these additional treatments to improve the outcome of your surgery.
Which lift surgery is best for me?
You may need to know exactly which lift surgery may have the results you want, when the eyes, forehead and cheeks together form facial expressions. It is a common misconception to think that a facelift improves all areas of the face, but this is not the case. Here is a summary of what parts of the face each surgical procedure can improve:
Face lift: sagging and loose skin on the cheeks, jaw and neck
Brow lift: heavy, sagging, and wrinkled forehead tissue
Eyelid lift: removes sagging and heaviness of the upper and lower eyelids that create a tired or sad appearance