Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery) in Iran
As you age, your eyelids stretch, and the muscles supporting them weaken. so excess fat may gather above and below your eyelids, causing sagging eyebrows, droopy upper lids and bags under your eyes. Besides making you look older, severely sagging skin around your eyes can reduce your side vision, especially the upper and outer parts of your field of vision. Eyelid surgery can reduce or eliminate these vision problems and make your eyes appear younger and more alert. we will discuss all about eyelid surgery / blepharoplasty in Iran.
Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the eyelids. Surgery can be performed on the upper lids, lower lids or both.
Whether you want to improve your appearance or are experiencing functional problems with your eyelids, eyelid surgery can rejuvenate the area surrounding your eyes.
What are the benefits of Blepharoplasty?
Eyelid surgery is typically performed for both cosmetic and functional reasons. Some people want to remove frown lines, while some people want better vision. Here there are the ways this procedure can better your life:
- Restore impaired vision
- Remove loose and sagging skin
- Improve drooping upper and lower eyelids
- Remove fatty deposits to reduce puffiness
- Eliminate under-eye bags
- Smooth wrinkles
Who Are the Best Candidates for Eyelid Surgery?
if you have:
. Baggy or droopy upper eyelids
. Excess skin of the upper eyelids that interferes with your peripheral vision
. Excess skin on the lower eyelids
. Bags under the eyes
As skin ages, it gradually loses its elasticity. A lack of elasticity plus the constant pull from gravity causes excess skin to collect on the upper and lower eyelids.
Excess skin on the lower eyelid causes wrinkles and bulges. On the upper eyelids, an extra fold of skin can hang over the eyelashes and get in the way of seeing.
The fat that cushions the eyeball from the skull can also cause bulges in the upper and lower eyelids. The thin membrane that holds the fat in place weakens with age, letting the fat come forward into the lids like a hernia.
Types of Eyelid surgery
۱٫ Lower Eyelid Surgery:
A lower Eyelid is carried out on the lower eyelids to help correct loose, drooping skin and eye bags between the lower eyelashes and the tops of the cheeks. It can also help to correct darker, creepy skin and puffiness under the eyes.
۲٫ Upper Eyelid Surgery:
An upper Eyelid is carried out on the upper eyelids to help improve the tone and tightness of the skin between the eyebrows and the upper eyelashes. It will help to minimize excess skin that can cause the upper lids to appear heavy and creased.
۳٫ Laser Eyelid Surgery:
Laser technique is used to fix problems of sagging eyelids, under eye bags and especially wrinkles without any incision. This technique is suitable for those who doesn’t want to have an operation with incision or are not able to undergo a procedure with anesthesia.
۴٫ Asian Eyelid Surgery:
Asians and people with Asian roots generally have single eyelids, so they don’t have visible folds and creases in their upper eyelids. This feature causes eyes look smaller, puffy or the face look tired. Asian eyelid surgery is designed to keep ethnic origin and glamorize the face and eye shape at the same time.
Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) procedure
Blepharoplasty is usually done in an outpatient setting. Your surgeon injects numbing medication into your eyelids and administers intravenous medication to help you relax.
if you’re having some of these surgery types, the surgeon will probably work on the upper lids first. The surgeon will usually cut along the natural lines of your eyelids. Through these cuts, your surgeon will separate the skin from the underlying tissue and remove the excess fat and skin (and muscle if indicated). Next, the surgeon will close those cuts with very small stitches. The stitches in the upper lids will stay for 3-6 days. The lower lids may or may not require stitches, depending on the technique used.
Surgery on the lower eyelids may be done using one of several techniques. In one method, your surgeon makes a cut inside your lower eyelid to remove fat. That cut won’t be visible.
notice that You may undergo blepharoplasty at the same time as another procedure, such as a brow lift, face-lift or skin resurfacing.
Blepharoplasty Recovery
After eyelid surgery, you’ll have stitches in both lids that will remain for as long as a week. It is common to have swelling and, occasionally, bruising, but your eyelids should look normal within a week or two.
Your eye area, depending on whether you’ve had upper eyelid surgery, lower eyelid surgery or both, will feel tender, swollen and bruised in the days after surgery. Your eyes may also feel dry. You will normally need around a week off work and normal duties to recover from eyelid surgery.